St. Augustine, FL

Another stop that is a favorite - St. Augustine, FL! The Approach.... Fort San Marcos St. Johns Bridge Getting near where we'll take a slip. We made it on our last trip right in time to see their famous city of lights - starting at 10 they had a countdown and they lit up the lights and the whole city exploded with lights everywhere! What a sight! We made it this year and got to see it again! Still just as fabulous! Santa was around all day entertaining the children (and us adult children) We were still with friends, Bruce and Gayleen, and this made our stay even better, sharing it with friends! They have been live-aboards for some 5 years or so and they know a lot about the towns along the ICW. We learned that St. Augustine has a winery - San Sebastian Winery and a Distillery - St. Augustine's Distillery. We took a tour of both of them and did a lot of taste testing...