
Man of War

We arrived in Man of War on March 17, right on St. Patrick's Day.  We were told later that we missed a cute parade back in Marsh Harbor, where the local businesses were giving away free food and drinks!  That would have made Marsh Island a little more fun for us! What a quaint island this is!  Absolutely loved being here.  The people were so friendly.  We did a lot of walking. Entering Man of War We were able to join up for a short visit with Phobe and Ron whom we met in Warderick Wells in the Exumas on our first Bahamas trip! Gift shop at the marina Some of the cute houses: Many had widow walks on the roof. This was a brain coral on someone's fence. This was a very cute coffeehouse plus it was a museum.  The Albury's were a well known family on the island.  The museum had a lot of their history contained in the museum which was their original home. This was the coffeehouse and the following ph...

The Abacos!

We arrived on March 12.  Our journey to the Abacos began in Marsh Harbor.  It reminded me a little bit of Marathon in the Keys. I enjoyed Marathon because there were a lot events going on in the area, Marsh Harbor didn't offer anything like that. It was an okay place, but I won't care to return.  It was mostly like a town in the States.  There were 4 hardware stores, a couple of grocery stores, and a lot of restaurants.  It was a good place to provision if you were low on groceries. I am modelling a necklace Ed bought me from one of the Islanders.  It is made from the shell of a Bahamian sea curb.  Apparently they are eaten here.  We saw them a lot on the coral in the Exumas.  They attach solidly on the coral.  The lady that made the necklace told me you have to get a knife and pry them up from the coral and then you have to dig the creature out right away otherwise it crawls into the shell and then you can't get it out.  She br...