
Showing posts from May, 2019

Man of War

We arrived in Man of War on March 17, right on St. Patrick's Day.  We were told later that we missed a cute parade back in Marsh Harbor, where the local businesses were giving away free food and drinks!  That would have made Marsh Island a little more fun for us! What a quaint island this is!  Absolutely loved being here.  The people were so friendly.  We did a lot of walking. Entering Man of War We were able to join up for a short visit with Phobe and Ron whom we met in Warderick Wells in the Exumas on our first Bahamas trip! Gift shop at the marina Some of the cute houses: Many had widow walks on the roof. This was a brain coral on someone's fence. This was a very cute coffeehouse plus it was a museum.  The Albury's were a well known family on the island.  The museum had a lot of their history contained in the museum which was their original home. This was the coffeehouse and the following ph...