The Second Event of Christmas!

The Christmas festivities started at home after we returned from our WV visit on December 17.  We came home to a decorated tree that Sarah lovingly set up as a surprise for us!  I loved it!  It finally felt like the holidays were here!

Christmas Eve breakfast at the Criscuolo's.  The first time in a year that we were all together for a holiday meal or any meal!  It was such a wonderful morning!

Ed, me, Tony, Sarah and Nick

Christmas Day morning.  Look what Santa left for all of us!  Christmas was laid out in the kitchen despite no fireplace there!

Opening presents is always fun!  Here Sarah is opening a real loaf of bread (actually my bread for making the stuffing!) that she got from Tony!  He pranked her - his real gift was of a plush loaf of bread with a smiling face that she wanted!  She figured this out but the real loaf was a good joke for her!

Tony watching Sarah enjoy his prank!

Ed opening his hand controlled helicopter:

                                                  Nick trying to figure out this
                                                 musical instrument Sarah got
                                               for him.

One of my many gifts - a pelican teapot!  Sarah gave me this.  She saw this at a store and just had to buy it for me!  She knows me so well - I love pelicans! 
Nick gave me the air filter that I asked for!  It's for my bedroom.  I am trying to keep my sinus clearer, they are almost always stuffed up.

Ed spoiled me rotten, as always!

 We had a lot of fun, laughter and togetherness!  Meanwhile, I set about cooking the turkey, gravy, stuffing, and sweet potatoes for our meal at Ed's mom's house.  I had already cooked the corn pudding and mashed potatoes the day before.  Now I can't wait to eat!

Next, Christmas Day dinner with Ed's side of the family!

Fairwinds to All!



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