Home for Christmas!

We arrived on Friday, November 28th.  Our dear daughter picked us up from BWI right on time! It was great to see her!  She and her beau, Tony, worked at keeping the house and the cats safe and sound!  She filled us in on things at home.  Lots to catch up on!  I was so looking forward to seeing as many friends and family as I could squeeze in.  A month sounds like a long time, but it flies by all too quickly.  With lots of things to do to get ready for Christmas, I knew I wouldn't have time for everyone!

I did manage to see lots of friends and family.  Lots of lunches and dinners!  I will catch up with others upon my return in June.

Almost as soon as I got home a present appeared in the mail.  I love packages that come in!  It turned out to be from my longest known best bud, Carmen, who has moved away to Georgia!  She sent me a beautiful and warm knitted poncho and a beautiful scarf!  I loved it and it was perfect for the inbetween days of weather we were having!

The next event was an ugly sweater party at my physical therapist's office.  This was my first party like this and it was a lot of fun!  Ed's mom goes to therapy also so I made a sweater for her and me.  There were 2 prizes and we each won a generous gift card!

Some of the contestants

 These 2 lovely ladies are our therapists - Hadassah and Paula.  They each have 2 kids at PBMS - the school I taught at.  Very nice and skillful people who run the Optimal Physical and Rehabilitation Center in Silver Spring - Hillandale area.  If anyone needs their services, I highly recommend them!

The winners!

Agnes won for the ugliest sweater and I got one for the most creative!  

Fair Winds to All,



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